Increase the reliability of their maintenance by linking up with their CMMS

The company


Cadiou is a gate manufacturer based in Brittany. Their products are 100% French, hand-assembled by skilled craftsmen. The company currently employs 700 people and is recognized as France’s number 1 gate manufacturer. The group is committed to pursuing steady growth in France and abroad. In 2021, they achieved sales of 110M euros.


A CMMS to renew: DimoMaint MX

The Cadiou company needed a more modern CMMS to effectively meet its maintenance needs.

After comparing several options, they chose their long-standing partner, DimoMaint. This CMMS perfectly matched their needs, also offering the flexibility to customize their solution through APIs.

With this upgrade, Cadiou also turned their attention to mobility in the field, seeking to speed up maintenance interventions and make them more reliable, while remaining connected to their new CMMS.

Take a look at our in-plant video.


Renew and modernize

This complete update has enabled Cadiou to modernize its maintenance processes. To optimize this new CMMS, we had to fully understand the company’s needs in order to adapt our UBLEAM solution.

Several needs were identified:

  • Solve the problem of the reliability of data collected in the field
  • Save time on maintenance operations
  • Have a mobile application for the field that is interconnected with their new CMMS
  • Geolocate each machine in their workshops and monitor their general condition from the back office
  • Access technical information/documentation on each piece of equipment


Une GMAO 4.0 qui gagne en mobilité avec l’application UBLEAM

Nous nous associons à la GMAO DimoMaint en proposant une extension mobile pour répondre aux besoins sur le terrain de Cadiou. Steeven MERCEUR, Chef de projet industrialisation et méthodes, qualifie UBLEAM de “outil ergonomique et ludique pour un accès plus rapide à l’information”.

Cette solution UBLEAM améliore considérablement la mobilité. Désormais, chaque machine est équipée d’un Bleam, ce qui permet aux mainteneurs de scanner ces codes pour accéder rapidement à des informations et créer efficacement des bons d’intervention. Grâce à l’intégration avec DimoMaint, les bons sont pré-remplis, fiables, et leur historique est conservé, réduisant les erreurs et les demandes de confirmation.

La solution UBLEAM apporte un gain de temps et de fiabilité significatif. De plus, elle ne se limite pas à améliorer l’efficacité des opérations de maintenance, elle peut être étendue à d’autres services au sein de l’entreprise, offrant une solution polyvalente pour la mobilité, la fiabilisation de l’information et la traçabilité.


65,000€ earned per year!

Since the arrival of UBLEAM at Cadiou, the direct effects have been significant: the digital notebook provides more reliable data, and saves time during field operations. The figures are as follows:

  • 25% greater reliability during maintenance operations (reduction to 0 of data entry errors and related loss of time)
  • 10% time saved on each maintenance intervention thanks to pre-filling and interconnection with DimoMaint MX
  • These savings will generate €65,000 in additional production per 1 year.

As Steeven from Cadiou explains, ” … we can save up to 10 minutes on an intervention … each breakdown penalizes our production, so we have to optimize the time taken by our technicians to intervene … for a company like Cadiou, this saving in time and data reliability enables us to save around €65,000″.

to resume

300 on-site machines equipped with a digital maintenance logbook

Cost savings, time savings, reliability – these are the key words that describe the contribution made by UBLEAM’s digital logbook at Cadiou. With our solution already well established, Cadiou is already looking ahead to the use of the digital logbook: “It’s a logbook that’s much more comprehensive, and can cover more departments than just maintenance. The aim is to extend the digital logbook to the end customer, so as to be able to offer service to the customer and follow-up to the manufacturer.

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